Zinkov portraits > Five in Winter
From top left moving clockwise; a) a son of Zusia Segal, from a 1926 photo showing, Zusia, his wife Bobbe, this son and four other family members, quite likely Zusia’s wife, a daughter, and two grand-children (one boy, one girl). Fate of the family is not stated. b) a son of Avromke Nesis, from a photo which shows Avromke, his wife, and three other children. The fate of the family is not stated. c) Eliezer Shvartzman, emigrated to Israel in 1922 with his wife Bella where they raised a family. One son became a pilot who flew planes from Czechoslovakia to Israel during Israel’s establishment, later becoming a flight instructor for, and a second general in, the Israeli AF. One of Eliezer’s daughters became a teacher. d) the oldest son (not named, wearing fur hat) of Itzy Maykes from a photo that shows this son with Itzy and five other family members, three of whom are children under the age of twenty who perished in the Holocaust. Fates of the others are not stated. e) Yehoshua Senders, a photographer by trade, known to his townspeople as “Shia Photographchic,” he perished in the Holocaust.
Available as original and giclee print.